Core Values

The Hobbs team members have proven to be honest and hardworking thus not requiring these items to be included separately as values.


We will always actively seek to minimize the potential hazards inherent in our business.  Every employee is trained and responsible to speak up on potential risks and help provide solutions to mitigate them.  Every person who sets foot on a Hobbs project needs to leave in the same physical state in which they arrived. 


Understanding our customers overall desires and design intent is more than half the battle in reaching our objectives.  Understanding allows us the opportunity to find better win-win solutions for our customers, fellow employees, and trade partners. 

Problem solving and curiosity

Challenges abound in the custom construction world.  We must proactively work to understand the constraints and obstacles that challenge our ability to achieve our and our clients’ objectives.  We must then utilize our resources to responsibly overcome these to reach our shared objectives.  We best serve our teams by adopting the habits of constant curiosity to help us be prepared for these problems before they become issues. 


Construction is the ultimate team sport where complimentary skills must be meshed for optimal results.  We must be leaders on all our projects in getting all players to work together to achieve our clients’ goals. Our passion for our projects and professional expertise balanced by our humility and respect for all participants will help us lead everyone to successful outcomes.


Time is a precious commodity that must be carefully spent and never wasted. We must aggressively identify our clients’ needs, then even more aggressively push to present and implement solutions.

Fair broker

We seek to make the best responsible deals for our clients.  This involves getting the best price possible for our clients without compromising scheduling and quality goals or taking advantage of anyone's honest misunderstanding. Building a house is a long-term commitment that is best served by not taking advantage of any participant.